Thursday, March 23, 2017

In this photoshoot we were required to go to one of the many parks in our area and shoot around, I chose Forest Park because it was close to me and also my favorite park, as I used to spend a lot of my time there as a kid with my friends. This was one of my favorite pictures I took out of the many I did take. The scene was already set for my pictures, I just had to position myself differently to most effectively capture the subjects of my photos. This was a great photoshoot and it was simple, which left a lot of room for voice to be incorporated.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

In this photoshoot, food was laid out for us to take pictures of in class. We needed to take 30 pictures to submit, but we needed to take around 7-8 pictures per table out of the 8 tables to get enough good pictures to submit. It wasn't easy however, we needed to rearrange the food to look good and also look edible, which wasn't easy to accomplish. Overall this was a fun assignment to do in class and the images were easy and fun to edit.
In this photoshoot we were supposed to take pictures of a "noun" we selected. I chose flowers as my noun because I enjoy flowers a lot and they are plentiful around Noblesville, especially this time of year. We were required to turn in 30 images, so Mrs. Hahn requested that I expand my noun photos to accompany more nature instead of just close ups of flowers.